Leyan Lo
Software engineer
Amateur violinist
Former world record Rubik’s cube solver
- · 1 min read
Building with Astro
It feels like just yesterday, I started a blog with Next.js. I thought that was overkill for what I wanted in a blog, and decided to migrate to Astro instead. This feels lighter and also is a good excuse to learn the latest framework for SSGs. I was considering trying out 11ty as well, but there wer…
- · 1 min read
2024 Resolutions
Happy new year! 2024 is the 22nd tetrahedral number. I miss the days of taking the AMC or AIME, where the tests would find a way to include the year in problems, making it useful to know the prime factorization of the years, e.g. 2024 = 2^3 * 11 * 23. I’ve always been conservative with New Year’s re…
- · 3 min read
Hello World
First blog post for my new blog! Motivation for blogging As Chris Coyier said, let’s Bring Back Blogging! I really miss the days of Google Reader. It was nice to be able to control what content you consume using RSS, rather than being fed from an algorithm that optimizes engagement. Twitter sort of …
Minesweeper game built with React and Emotion. Inspired by the software interview question asking to implement Minesweeper.